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Saturday, June 20, 2009

GizmoCall : Free VOIP Calls WorldWide: Talk For Free


Hi friends,

Today I will be talking about GizmoCall. I have been using this service for quite long time now. GizmoCall has been very famous in the voip industry. GizmoCall allows its users to call major worldwide destinations.
This service is Pc to Phone Call. Their application is flash based. Very few voip sites are having flash interface, I am only able to recall jajah, flashphone etc.

Many of the blogs, and websites have been mentioning that one can call India using gizmocall for free. I myself have tested this, but it didn't worked. You can call about 60 countries from anywhere in world using gizmocall. It though enables calling major destination like USA, Canada, Australia, Europe. You may try it if it works out for you.

Visit GizmoCall. The website require a flash plugin. If your browser does not have it, you need to download that plug in. It is 1.2 Mb only. Just click on the main screen to download it.

Now you need to register in order to make Free Calls. Register using the link on top right of the flash interface. They will also ask you to confirm/verify your email address. Just do that. If you have gizmoproject id it will also work.

Once you register yourself and sign in, they will give you 5 free minutes of calling everyday, with a maximum of 1min per call.
Just enter the number in that flash interface to dail that number.
Or Simply type into your browsers address bar. That is you want to call.

You are connected. Enjoy free calling.

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