Free International Access Call Numbers
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Below are set up instructions to make it work. The instructions below link 2 free phone services, Phonegnome and Tpad. Phonegnome links your existing phone line with an SIP VoIP account. Tpad is a free VoIP service that provides worldwide access numbers for customers accounts. Complete list of Tpad access numbers,. To link the 2 free services we use, Voxalot which costs $15 (premium membership) per year for the tools needed to link them. The number of access numbers also includes the SIPBroker access numbers through the voxalot account you set up.
Listed below are the configuration instructions to link your Free Tpad account with a Free Phonegnome account using Voxalot.
STEP 1. Set Up Accounts - set up the 3 accounts if you don't have them already. You can click the links below to go to the signup pages for the 3 services. The only cost is $15 per year for the voxalot account.
Voxalot - signup page - premium membership required $15 per year
Phonegnome - signup page Free Account - you need to link your account with 1 existing phone line (land line, wireless, virtual, etc).
Tpad - signup page Free Account
STEP 2. Get Phonegnome SIP Credentials - Phonegnome is a key tool in linking your current regular phone line with the international access numbers. Currently, Phonegnome free unlimited inbound calling from other internet phone service providers. No other service provides this service for FREE.
Follow the following steps to get your SIP configuration information to be used to link Phonegnome with Voxalot.
Note, if you are going to use your existing VoIP service (in lieu of a regular land-line or wirless phone line) to receive calls, you can skip this step and just use your VoIP service providers credentials in place of Phonegnome.
Log into your Phonegnome Account - Under the "Features" tab, select "SoftGnome Remote Access"
Then Select the "View SIP Credentials"
Print This Page Out, This is the information you need to set up Voxalot.
STEP 3. Get Tpad SIP Credentials - follow the following steps to get your SIP configuration information to be used to link Phonegnome with Voxalot.
When you set up your Tpad Account - you are given your Tpad number on signup. This is your SIP username, the SIP password is the same as the password you selected on signup. Save this information, this information is needed to setup Voxalot.
STEP 4. Set Up Voxalot - Just enter the information from Phonegnome and Tpad above. Login to your Voxalot account.
From the main page select "Voice Service Providers" on the right side of the page. Click ADD then enter the login information for Phonegnome, you will be prompted to enter your password also, then select SAVE.
Then ADD another provider for Tpad Click ADD then enter the login information for Tpad, you will be prompted to enter your password also, be sure to select "yes" to SIP Register, then select SAVE.
When you are finished the main provider page should look like this, you are done.
Now forward calls from Voxalot to your Phonegnome line, Click "Call Connection (Call Forwarding)" from the right side of the page. Enter the phone number linked to your phone gnome account and select phonegnome as the provider. Click "SAVE".
STEP 5. Your DONE - Do a Test Call
Now to test the system, try calling one of the Tpad Access numbers for the United States. Complete Tpad access number list. When you call the access number, you will be prompted for the Tpad number you are calling, enter you Tpad Account Number. If it is configured properly, your phone line that you set up with Phonegnome should ring.
You can also use the SIPBroker SIPBroker access numbers. However, when prompted for your account number, enter your Voxalot number in the following format,
*010 xxxxxx (xxxxxx is your voxalot account number).
If it doesn't work at first, try it again a few hours later. The service is dependent upon 3 independent carriers to work at the same time, so if there is any glitch with any one of the three, the service might not work. As a result, you cannot rely upon for the service to be UP 100% of the time. In my experience, it has been Up 60-75% of the time. For $15 per year to enable people from around the world to call you for free, this may not be so bad an inconvenience.
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