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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Airtel slashes STD rates, Relaince made std free : India



When I woke up in the morning, my eyes went straight to todays newspaper headlines stating that Bharti Airtel slashed STD and roaming tariffs by 43 per cent. This seems a great step forward in Indian telecom industry. The day is not far when Indian voip industry will be recognized, and calls will be made free across India.

In response to this, The Reliance Communications is set to provide FREE STD Calls / Long Distance calls within India (Reliance to Reliance), but for a fixed flat monthly rental. This rental is Rs 400 for Postpaid users, and Rs440 for prepaid users. So, if you make too many std calls, this offers seems good for you.

Coming back to Airtel prices, they have actually reduced both STD and roaming charges. Their call rates now are as follows-:

While NOT in roaming,
Incoming Calls : Free
Local Outgoing Calls : Rs 1
STD Charges : Rs 1.50/minutes

When in Roaming,
Incoming Calls :
Re. 1
Local Outgoing Calls (Place where you are now while in roaming) : Re. 1 a minute
STD Charges : Rs 1.50/minutes

With 70 per cent STD customers in India using less than 5 minutes a month on STD calls and 80 per cent mobile customers not using their phones while roaming, this offers will surely encourage users to make more STD calls and will drive growth and usage in the Indian telecom industry.

Idea, Vodaphone are also set to reduce their call rates in a few days. Just to remind to Virgin Mobiles in collaboration with Tata are already giving you money to receive incoming calls. It is now a watch if Virgin mobiles will further give any new offer.

This stiff competition among the telecom provides, has let to reduction in prices. I hope this competition keep rising as it is indeed helping us only.

Friends if you like my blog, please subscribe to it or press Ctrl+D. This will enable you to keep yourself update with latest free offers. I will be postings such offers daily.

Here are some of the links of post/offers exclusively for our readers -:

1. Make Free Calls from many countries (USA etc) to India.

2. Make free calls from many countries ( Usa, Europe) to other countries.

3. Get 2.5$ Free credit by Tpad to make free calls to any country.

4. Make Free Calls from India to India.

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