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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tpad offrering Free VOIP Mobile calls with free Credits



Tpad is one of the major Voip providers in the voip technology. Tpad offers making calls from your pc using softphone, they also provide softwares for your wifi enabled mobiles viz Nokia N65, E61, E65 etc.
Tpad is a Global Phone Network that Cuts the Cost of Making and Receiving Calls Worldwide. Making your Tpad account is absolutely free. Their software(for mobiles) and their softphone for PC is also free of cost.

When you create a Free Account they will give you
$0.20 so that you can make your First call for FREE. Also their vocie quality is very good.

When you join Tpad for FREE you can:

1. Create a Free Account and obtain a Free Tpad IN Number so you can Make and Receive Calls from any Landline / Mobile for Free or at Ultra Low Rates.

2. Make International Calls at Local Rates from over 40 countries using our Local Access Numbers.

3. Download the Free Softphone so you can Make and Receive Calls from other Tpad Users over your Internet / Broadband Connection for 100% FREE.

4. Forward all your Calls to any Landline / Mobile or VoIP Device and always be IN when you're OUT.

5. Make and Receive Calls to any Landline / Mobile or VoIP Device anywhere in the World at our Ultra Low Call Rates.

For more info visit Tpad.

If some people want to spend some money for making calls this service is surely worth trying.

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