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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Jaxtr Talk internationally for free! VOIP Provider


Jaxtr is not just another voip provider offering free calling service. This service is quite unique in its way. They give you a widget which you can put on your blog or website. People can click on that widget to call you. Your number also remain private.

This service is very useful for blogger and webmasters who want their readers to contact them.
You can register on their website, and then link your mobile number. They will give you a personal URL and a widget. People can call you using that url or that widget. Basically Jaxtr first call the person who want to contact you, then it will connect the call with you. Jaxtr gives you 100Jax per month. You can use jax to make or receive free calls.

This was found on their website-

What is jaxtr?

Jaxtr links your phone to the web, so you can hear from callers worldwide while keeping your existing phone number private.

Can I control who calls me?

Yes. Jaxtr’s PrivacyShield™ automatically routes calls to voicemail. You can then easily control which friends you want to ring through to your phone.

Do I need a headset?

No, it works with any phone you already use, including ordinary landline phones. No download required.

How much does it cost?

Jaxtr is free. In the future, we will offer premium services for jaxtr power users, but our basic service will remain free.

Can jaxtr save me money?

With jaxtr, you bypass expensive international mobile fees. Now, for the first time, you can call friends and family overseas at the same cost and with the same convenience as calling a friend down the street.

The service is available in almost every country. This inlcudes countries like India, Pakistan etc.
I was thinking if we could use this service to make Free calls to India, Pakistan. Basically how to call your dear ones living in India, Pakistan or any other part of world absolutely free. Many readers want to call India from US. I will be writing step by step procedure to make free calls using jaxtr soon. Check back then.

For more info check their website.

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