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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Jaxtr UserGuide - Free Calls anywhere In World ( Call India from US )


I wrote a post on Jaxtr a day before. I hope many readers have already started using the service. As promised here is a step by step user guide on jaxtr. Using these steps you should be able to call anywhere in the world for free. Jaxtr is quite unique and enables users to receive incoming calls from their websites, blogs, but you know you can use this service to make calls for free. It is a cool voip gadget.

Very few voip providers at present allows free calls to countries like India, Pakistan. That too these offers don't last long. Jaxtr allows many countries at present India, Pakistan. Be anywhere in world, service is available in your country. Lets now come to the tutorial itself.

Step 1
You need to create an account in Jaxtr. Basically Jaxtr allows receiving calls from anywhere in world from internet. So you need to make account for the receiving or destination person/party. Suppose if you want to call India from US. You need to make account for Indian Phone number. You will need to register and confirm so, ask the destination party to make an account in jaxtr.
You can register on jaxtr here. They ask for email verification too.

Step 2
Register your number, or add your number to that account. When you log in you can add your number by going to settings and then manage phones. Add your number over there. After adding the number, Jaxtr will give you a verification code such as "00263" etc and will call your phone which you just added. You need to verify your phone with the number provided and Jaxtr will activate your number.

Step 3
You get an profile link in your main page, you can place your call by visiting that link. There is an call option on left hand side, clicking on that ask you to enter your number. Enter the number from which you want to place call. They will first call you and then the number which you want to talk to. In this case India.

Tip :: Sometimes it happens that you can place your first call, it is only for free, then they start giving another number to you when you enter your number. If that number is local to you, then you can call that number from your telephone only. This will connect your phone to your destination. But in that case you will be charged locally.

If that number is not local to you, use this workaround. I am not very sure if this will work but you may try and let me know.
If you get an US phone number by jaxtr to call on then, use voip softwares like Adphone, Tokiva, Webcalldirect, Icall, globe7 etc. to place your call.

If this does not work, get a US, European phone number from here. Then enter this number as your phone number. Now use adphone, tokiva , globe7 to call.

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